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ข่าวฝากประชาสัมพันธ์ : ARFUSA Grants Announcement1

โดย คุณ โสภิกา คันธิก 2001-03-27, 12:02:12

ARFUSA Grants Announcement1

2500 Study Award on Rice in Asia
Asia Rice Foundation, USA

Study and Travel awards of U.S. $2500 will be made to assist in research on
any aspect of production, marketing, consumption, policy or culture related
to rice in Asia.

Applicants must be students below the age of 30, registered at an accredited
institution of higher education in Asia or the United States. Applications
that involve travel and study of US-based students at and Asian location and
Asian-based students at a US location are encouraged.

How to Apply : In 3500 words of less, state the Objective of the study, the
Methodology that will be followed and the Potential Value of the envisioned
results. Also attach:

  • an academic transcript and brief biography of the applicant,
  • a letter from the student's faculty advisor, and
  • a budget that specifies how the funds will be used. If the project
    requires more than $2500, the budget should show the entire cost and give an
    explanation of how the balance of funds will be obtained.

Where to Apply:

Students in Asia MUST apply to Dr.Kwachai A.Gomez at

Students in the US should apply to DR. W.R. Coffman at

Evaluation : Evaluations will be based on quality, likely contribution to the
advancement of knowledge, potential contribution to Asian rice issues, and
leadership potential of the applicant.

Deadline: May 15,2001

Successful applicants will be notified by August1,2001

The Asia Rice Foundation, is a non-profit, rescarch-oriented philanthropic
foundation dedicated to ensuring the future of rice in Asia



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